Pre Conference Meetup
All people who arrive on friday are invited to the pre conference meetup at c-base.
The c-base is an awesome space ship landed in Berlin. We start around 21:00.
You can find it on our Visitor Info Map. The closest subway/S-Bahn station is called “S+U Jannowitzbrücke”.
Time | What | Speaker |
09:00 | Registration | |
09:30 | Welcome | |
09:45 | Keynote | Yukihiro Matsumoto |
10:45 | Coffee Break | |
11:00 | Ruby helps us make movies: Guerilla-DI, scripted tools for a modern film pipeline | Julik Tarkhanov |
11:30 | JRuby hacking guide | David Calavera |
12:00 | In the Loop | Lourens Naudé |
12:30 | Lunch | |
14:30 | Games for the Masses: Scaling Rails to the Extreme | Jesper Richter-Reichhelm |
15:00 | BE RESTFUL. BE WEB 2.0. BUT DON'T MIX IT | Nick Sutterer |
15:30 | Actors on Stage | Elise Huard |
16:00 | Longer Break | |
16:30 | The Expression Problem in Ruby: A focus on Traits. | Federico Brubacher |
17:00 | The Revenge of method_missing() | Paolo Perrotta |
17:30 | Lightning Talks | |
18:30 | Dinner Time |
We invite you to party with us and all the EuRuCamp visitors at “Tante Käthe”. This location is a pretty unknown jewel of Berlin located right inside the Mauerpark. As hard as it is to find, as fun it will get.
There's a barbecue waiting for you, lots of beers and a relaxed atmosphere.
Update: There will be no BBQ. We’re sorry, but please pick up some food on your way.
Getting to the location might be a bit hard. We try to make it easy for you, by providing the possible routes on our Visitor Info Map. We will also provide flyers with exact directions.
Time | What | Speaker |
10:00 | Keynote | Paul Campbell |
11:00 | Coffee Break | |
11:15 | Bridging the gap - Using JavaScript in Rails to write DRY rich client applications | Thorben Schröder / Andreas Haller |
11:45 | Scanning Strings at Supersonic Speed | Kornelius Kalnbach |
12:15 | Your Data, Your Search | Karel Minařík |
12:45 | Lunch | |
14:45 | Tales of the Big White Cloud | Pat Allan |
15:15 | Endless fun with Arduino and Eventmachine | Bodo Tasche |
15:45 | Getting Hands On with Adhearsion | Ben Klang / Ben Langfeld |
16:15 | Longer Break | |
16:45 | sentiment analysis of Twitter messages in Ruby | Mateusz Drożdżyński |
17:15 | Writing your own programming language to understand Ruby better | José Valim |
17:45 | Short Lightning Talks | |
18:15 | Closing, candidates discussion for hosting Euruko 2012 | |
18:30 | Dinner Time |