

Pre Conference Meetup

c-base logo All people who arrive on friday are invited to the pre conference meetup at c-base. The c-base is an awesome space ship landed in Berlin. We start around 21:00.

You can find it on our Visitor Info Map. The closest subway/S-Bahn station is called “S+U Jannowitzbrücke”.



Time What Speaker
09:00 Registration
09:30 Welcome
09:45 Keynote Yukihiro Matsumoto
10:45 Coffee Break
11:00 Ruby helps us make movies: Guerilla-DI, scripted tools for a modern film pipeline Julik Tarkhanov
11:30 JRuby hacking guide David Calavera
12:00 In the Loop Lourens Naudé
12:30 Lunch
14:30 Games for the Masses: Scaling Rails to the Extreme Jesper Richter-Reichhelm
15:00 BE RESTFUL. BE WEB 2.0. BUT DON'T MIX IT Nick Sutterer
15:30 Actors on Stage Elise Huard
16:00 Longer Break
16:30 The Expression Problem in Ruby: A focus on Traits. Federico Brubacher
17:00 The Revenge of method_missing() Paolo Perrotta
17:30 Lightning Talks
18:30 Dinner Time


Tante Käthe Logo We invite you to party with us and all the EuRuCamp visitors at “Tante Käthe”. This location is a pretty unknown jewel of Berlin located right inside the Mauerpark. As hard as it is to find, as fun it will get. There's a barbecue waiting for you, lots of beers and a relaxed atmosphere. Update: There will be no BBQ. We’re sorry, but please pick up some food on your way.

Getting to the location might be a bit hard. We try to make it easy for you, by providing the possible routes on our Visitor Info Map. We will also provide flyers with exact directions.



Time What Speaker
10:00 Keynote Paul Campbell
11:00 Coffee Break
11:15 Bridging the gap - Using JavaScript in Rails to write DRY rich client applications Thorben Schröder / Andreas Haller
11:45 Scanning Strings at Supersonic Speed Kornelius Kalnbach
12:15 Your Data, Your Search Karel Minařík
12:45 Lunch
14:45 Tales of the Big White Cloud Pat Allan
15:15 Endless fun with Arduino and Eventmachine Bodo Tasche
15:45 Getting Hands On with Adhearsion Ben Klang / Ben Langfeld
16:15 Longer Break
16:45 sentiment analysis of Twitter messages in Ruby Mateusz Drożdżyński
17:15 Writing your own programming language to understand Ruby better José Valim
17:45 Short Lightning Talks
18:15 Closing, candidates discussion for hosting Euruko 2012
18:30 Dinner Time